Modern Fashion Since 1994

The Power of Mother-Daughter Shopping

Mother-Daughter Shopping


Ah, the Mother-Daughter shopping trip. What was the last shopping trip that you took with your Mother or Daughter? Mother-Daughter shopping is an age-old ritual that many Mother-Daughter duos still do today.

I absolutely LOVE shopping with my Mother. Almost every time we're together, we come up with an excuse to go shopping. For me, it isn't really about shopping; it's about spending time together. Now that I have a family of my own, I am very thankful for any time that my Mother and I get to spend together! Having a Daughter myself, I feel it's important for her to see “Nana” and I spending quality time together. Over the years, my Mother and I’s relationship has blossomed into a beautiful friendship and I credit much of our time spent together shopping! Because of this, I take my Daughter (who's 18 months old) shopping with me every chance I get. Although she doesn’t like to shop for long and she can't quite give me her opinion, I hope the simple act of spending time together will be important to her as she grows into a young woman.

When I sat down and re-lived some of the most pivotal moments in my life, I realized that these moments almost always involved shopping. I can recall countless fun memories while shopping with my Mother: Back to School, Prom Dress, Senior Pictures, Graduation, Wedding Dress, Mother of the Bride, Baby Shower…. the list goes on and on. Although I may not remember exactly what we bought or how much we spent, I remember the outing and I recall good conversation, many laughs and a special bond that grew stronger with each shopping trip.

Shopping Together

Of course, I realize that Mother-Daughter shopping may not be for everyone. Maybe you don’t have time, location separates you, or neither of you enjoy shopping. Regardless of the reason, I've come up with a few tips that I hope you’ll try on your next shopping adventure.

Tip #1: Pre-Plan Your Trip

It may seem simple, but you can avoid so much conflict by plotting out your destinations in advance. My Mother and I do this almost every time we shop together. We allow time to go into stores that we both need or want to shop. That way, the shopping trip isn't one sided and both parties can get something accomplished!

Tip #2: Learn to Communicate

Mothers, you have a very tricky role. You have years of wisdom and experience, but your Daughter(s) isn't always going to appreciate your opinion. And Daughters, you adore your Mother and you're thankful for all her ideas, but sometimes you wish she'd keep them to herself and let you decide on your own. Ladies, I encourage you to stay positive, be patient, expect some resistance and then have the grace to compromise!

Tip #3: Get Creative

If Mother-Daughter shopping doesn't feel like "your thing", I encourage you to try one of the following:

  • Find a project to work on together. Whether it's a new craft or a household repair, it's easier to find common ground and then you can enjoy yourself when you're rallying behind the same goal.
  • Share your solo excursions. We often desire to bring our Mothers or Daughters along for higher-stakes shopping trips, like when we're choosing a new couch or buying a special event dress. These situations carry more stress and have more of a chance to end in frustration. Instead, choose a shopping trip that is quick and easy-- when the stakes are low. Lighthearted trips are a great way to have fun shopping together!!
  • Shop for someone else.  Mothers and Daughters have plenty of opinions on what the other should do, use, or wear, but shopping for someone else can take a lot of the pressure off. Gift buying is another great way to get use to shopping together!

    1 comment

    • Theresa

      What a beautiful blog post from my daughter. I am blessed to have such a beautiful daughter who I call my best friend too. Shopping together has always brought memorable experiences. The conversation on the drives, the lunches to re-energize, the hunt for the best merchandise, and the laughter that is included with each activity. It has always been about time spent together as mother and daughter. The memories for a lifetime and ones I am making with my adorable granddaughter to continue our girl time.

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