Modern Fashion Since 1994

Designer Grade With Sympli

Jophiel’s Designer Grade series is delighted to introduce you to Sympli. Sympli is designed to ensure every woman feels that fashion has been created with her mind.
Sympli is a Canadian design house founded by Jan Stimpson in 1999 on her quest to find the perfect tee. This quest proved to be very challenging, but out of this challenge, Stimpson was inspired to create a collection that focused on simplicity and an honest fit. Her mission was to address the needs of every woman regardless of age, shape, size, or style. Hence the vision for Sympli: “A brand embodying comfort, effortless care and most importantly, an authentic fit that is crafted with every body in mind.”
Sympli Made For Every Body
Sympli’s vision drives the design process from conception to production. During the conception phase, Sympli focuses on a design that suits various lifestyles and needs, a busy woman that desires and requires a put together look that feels good. A woman who wants the act of dressing to be easy, but still takes pride in her appearance. Finally, a woman who wants her clothing to be comfortable AND stylish. The Sympli team combines this concept with their inspiration to bring the garments to life.
Designers pull inspiration from everywhere. The inspiration can be as simple as the beauty of everyday life. Sympli’s design team has established a collaborative process that involves numerous departments. A think tank feeding off one another’s energy and bouncing ideas back and forth to create functional fashion that looks fabulous. 
Taking pride in sourcing excellent fabrics and materials to ensure their products are top quality, the Sympli collection uses a fabric that is easily cared for, comfortable, soft and has a little bit of stretch. These characteristics make it well suited for travel, as well as every day wear. This exceptional quality allows the collection to offer flattering silhouettes and timeless pieces that will withstand the test of time.
Jan Stimpson says it best, “Sympli is about freedom of movement and expression, and as a result, every woman wears it well.”
Come in to discover the collection or shop the collection online here.

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