Modern Fashion Since 1994

There is more to personal styling than clothes.

A good stylist should be the fashionable friend in your life, because let’s face it, change isn’t just one and done, as your stylist we want to continue to grow and evolve with you.  In the last Table Talk we focused on how the fashion industry doesn’t actually do a lot to help our self-confidence sometimes.  We brought up the sometimes-uncomfortable conversation about body image.  Advertisements and social and cultural expectations can leave us lost on fit, what’s appropriate, and how we should feel about ourselves.  But there is hope in the knowledge that years of experience can bring you. 
As a stylist, we are your cheerleaders.  A stylist is a person that should be a guide to living your life as it can be experienced through fashion. 
In the new installment of our Jophiel Table Talk we’re talking body positivity, styling for every size and how we define being a personal stylist.  Join the conversation, help to make it a fashionable confabulation.

Leah: “I know we touched on this a little in another Table Talk: how we dress certain ways because of how we have learned to respect ourselves. I have marveled at the difference in this perception based on age and generation. How differently different generations learn to respect themselves.”

Kate: “I think it’s a continual process for women. As a teen we go through that awkward body changing stage, then once we regain our confidence and have our style game down, we become mothers. For many women, myself included, it can be a struggle to find our style game again. As women we have many changes in life and it’s often difficult to realize that change sometimes because it’s not an overnight shift.”

Leah: “How do you think as a stylist and body activist we can assist someone that comes in. Elevating fashion beyond this notion that you have to be an ideal figure to fit into the fashion world and instead helping women through a journey of discovering how exciting personal style can be.”

Jan: “I have the good fortune with a lot of my clients that they know.  The one client that comes to mind is embracing the changes in her body now and we are adjusting her style. I think the majority of my clients shop for the quality and the style, not necessarily the trend at the moment.”

Julie: “Let me clarify the question. By body activist, do you mean being part physiologist and helping them accept that they are an 8 now not a 6, or a 4 not a 12. Showing them how to highlight their most flattering areas and embrace their current body.”

Leah: “Yes.  As a stylist I want to be sensitive to a person’s emotions. I often think of my smaller clients, because I have experienced the same at 5’4”, proportion-wise everything is off. Guiding them through how to tweak a piece we like in little places, seeing their face light up when they realize that they can wear it all because I knew how to make it work for their figure, and they get to feel good in it because of that.”

Julie: “We reinforce the fact that yes our bodies change but we can still look as good in a 10 as we did in an 8.”

Leah: “How do we make someone feel good in whatever size they’re at in life?”

Nancy: “How a garment is made and how it will best lay on your body should be the biggest concern, not the size on the ticket.”

Jan: “Just the other day I had a client who has been going through that journey. In the fitting room I looked at her and just asked her honestly, “Are you going to wear it, I know you love the color but what will you do at home?” She looked at me and said “I love the color, I will wear it once then never wear it again, you’re right I shouldn’t spend the money just because I love the color.” It was close to the right fit, but she is evolving into embracing a new, more current look for herself.”

Julie: “Can I ask a question? Jan brought it up but I know it happens to all of us, we can all learn.  A client asks you “What do you think” and you answered by asking her a question, not telling her what you thought. So is that what a personal stylist should do? Just throwing it out there for conversation.”

Nancy: “Maybe that is exactly how it went down, maybe there was more to the conversation.  But it happens a lot.”

Julie: “And we do answer a lot by asking a question. I do it often to try and figure out what they are asking me. They could be asking what do you think all the while meaning, “you think I should do this size”, “does this match the event I am going to”, or “is this a good style for me or not.”

Cassie: “I would say that depends on your relationship with the client or how you know they will absorb the information.  I think Jan knew that her client already knew the answer to her own question. Jan just needed to throw it back at her and say “you know”, while being gentle about it. Other times it depends on how involved the client wants you to be, how receptive they are to feedback. It evolves as the client gets to know me and my honest personality. A client that works with me can look at me and ask knowing I will tell them “No.” They appreciate and love the clarity, often they’ll say “Yeah I am not feeling it.”  Then we move on, try on something else and I can explain why that style will work better for them. It is about the relationship and evolving personalities.”

Leah: “I think we are asking the question to gage where they are at. When they look at themselves in the mirror what are they really seeing.  If we don’t have a familiar relationship with them, we are going to tell it like it is. We are using our style expertise to guide them from a professional stand point.”

Nancy: “I am an advocate for my client, a personal stylist’s job is to ensure they get the best that is out there. If they have something on in the fitting room and it’s not the best, I will suggest another direction or quite frankly say “I know we can do better, I have more styles coming let’s not settle right now when I can get you great.” I don’t want my clients to settle, I want them to have what works best for them.”

Jan: “I agree.  I will tell my clients to wait and not jump on the first trend wagon if it’s not the best one for them.”

Cassie: “Our client’s get more than garments, they get personal style.  It’s our job to assist them in finding their voice and help them to feel their personal best.”


Personal styling changes as the demands of our clients change, but always it is in service of the discerning shopper who has the foresight, understanding of quality, and life experiences to need the services a fine women’s clothier can provide. Those are really big words for saying, we strive to make your life simple so you can go out and live it, beautifully.

Happy Holidays all.  Thank you for letting us be a part of your 2017 and cheers to the New Year!
Let’s make it a stylish one.


  • Jophiel

    You’ve got us grinning from ear to ear Marcia. Thank you.

  • Marcia

    You are the Jim Collins of the fashion set – getting clients from good to GREAT:)) Your objectivity and expertise are quite valuable!!!

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