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Effortless Perfection

As a member of the “behind the scenes” team at Jophiel, I am in awe of the extensive knowledge that our seasoned stylist(s) possess. Our stylists know just what to do when it comes to customizing garments to meet the needs of the clientele.  There are countless tailoring solutions- gowns shortened, pants hemmed, pockets removed, sleeves adjusted, darts added, etc. This recognition ensures that our clients have a custom fit with little worry of garment malfunction. To learn more about the alterations process, I sat down with Nancy Stuck, Stylist & Vice President of Sales and Merchandising. What factors go into knowing if an item needs alterations? "It depends on the client’s body type.  Every client has individual challenge(s) when...

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Americana Style- 2019 Fashion Trends

With Independance Day right around the corner, I have been thinking about Summer, Americana style and trends. According to Wikipedia, Americana is defined as artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the history, geography, folklore and cultural heritage of the United States. Americana can also be defined as materials and things concerning or characteristic of The United States of America; broadly, its culture. As a Stylist and Owner of a Women’s Fashion Boutique, I think of Americana as red, white and blue, something patriotic in theme. 

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Altering Your Experience

Over twenty-four years in business and still styling strong. In seeking to tailor a fabulous fashion experience that accommodates and enriches the lives of women, Jophiel is pleased to announce the expansion of our services to include an in-house Alterations Department. Jophiel has proudly partnered with locally owned businesses to provide alteration services to our clients. Altering garments is essential in making garments fit a woman, rather than a woman seeking to fit the clothing. "Having onsite alterations will allow us to do fittings at the store and provide a higher level of service to our clients. I have always wanted to expand this service and the timing and space just all came together." Julie Eckert Clancy, President, explains.  Sonia...

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Travel Time

It's time to pack for your much-needed vacation, so start to relax now. Your Jophiel stylists are here with some quick tips to help you pack with perfection. A key to packing light is selecting pieces with versatility. Consider staying within one color as your base, say black, navy or olive. This allows you to mix and match garments with ease as well as lessen your footwear needs. Lucky for us the sneaker has been embraced and updated in today's fashion, you no longer have to sacrifice your feet for style. Comfortable walking shoes are essential!  {{show_1}} Jan Futter, Stlylist,  shares her picks for her upcoming vacation: “I have selected to pack black Eileen Fisher viscose knits in two pants,...

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It's Their Party Too

Once you’ve said “yes,” are you not so patiently waiting for happily ever after to begin? If so, STOP, look around, breath and enjoy. Marrying the man of your dreams will come soon enough, the walk down the aisle starts now with your pre-wedding events. Embrace these special events and those who so generously host them. After all, this time is about family and friends as well as you -the happy couple. It gives others a chance to shower you and your life partner with love, attention, gifts, and advice. It is necessary to appreciate the outpouring of love and well wishes and embrace this particular time in your life.  "Whether I was planning my pre-wedding events or working as...

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